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Left and Right Hemisphere of the Brain

Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 Post in Neurology in Brooklyn by Century Medical & Dental Clinic.

A normal healthy brain is capable of lifelong learning and boundless creativity when used the right way. You can play to your strengths and continue broadening your mental horizons with practice and healthy habits. Consult an experienced and board-certified neurologist at the Century Medical and Dental Center NY to learn about the left and right hemispheres of the brain and how they affect your body functions and performance. Expert brain doctors diagnose and treat various conditions and diseases relating to the brain and nerves and help you stay active and alert, both mentally and physically.

The brain is one of the essential organs of our body and the vital organ of the central nervous system. It is a complex structure that consists of billions of interconnected neurons and glia. It can recognize itself, learn and process information. The brain has two sides and is divided into unique lobes, and each lobe has its specific functions.

The two sides of the brain communicate with each other to help the body with its vital processes. These sides have distinct functions that affect an individual’s ability to learn and adapt. The left and right sides of the brain look the same, but there are differences, especially in the way they process information. A lack of integration between the sides or different parts of the brain can result in some form of impairment or handicap.

Even though it is a complex organ, contains a hundred billion neurons, and performs some very crucial tasks, it only weighs three pounds. It makes up around 2% of the human weight and only takes up about 20% of the body’s total energy.

What Is Brain Lateralization?

Lateralization of brain function is the view that actions are performed by distinct regions of the brain. It is believed that different areas of the brain are responsible for controlling language, formulating memories, and making movements.

The two hemispheres of the brain, right and left, function interdependently. Each of them plays its unique role in processing information, while each has its specific functions too. The information that enters the left hemisphere travels across the corpus callosum, the broad transverse nerve tract that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, and goes to the right side of the brain and vice versa. It is significant to understand that the degree of brain lateralization is not the same in everyone.

Split-Brain Experiment

The split-brain experiments revealed that the right and left hemispheres in the brain are good at different things. For instance, the right hemisphere is good at space perception tasks and music, while the left is good at verbal and analytic chores.

An experiment was carried out on patients suffering from a severe seizure disorder. It was found that if the patient’s corpus callosum is cut and the brains’ two hemispheres are separated, it can reduce the frequency and severity of the seizure attacks significantly.

Theories Regarding the Left and Right Parts of the Brain

Left and Right Hemisphere of the Brain
Left and Right Hemisphere of the Brain

An individual can be right-brained or left-brained. It means that one side of the brain is dominant and helps the individual in performing specific tasks in a much better way. It is revealed that left-brain dominant people are methodical and analytical while right-brain dominant people are creative and artistic.

This left and right brain theory was presented by a psychologist called Roger W. Sperry in the 1960s. It was based on the fact that the two hemispheres of the brain function differently.

The Left Hemisphere of the Brain

The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. If the left side is dominant, an individual is logical and more motivated academically, research says. You are more likely to excel in math and science in this case.

The left hemisphere of the brain is also called the digital brain. It is responsible for the following:

  • Speech;
  • Analytics;
  • Order;
  • Reading;
  • Writing;
  • Computations;
  • Sequencing;
  • Logic;
  • Mathematics;
  • Thinking in words;
  • Linear thinking;
  • Visual-based languages such as in mute and deaf people.

Left hemisphere dominant people usually excel in roles including:

  • Business analyst;
  • Programmer;
  • Reporter;
  • Scientist;
  • Network administrator.

Some Important Facts About Functions and Characteristics of the Left Side of the Brain

  • It can understand the sum of any situation;
  • It provides a chance to look at things from outside and analyze them;
  • It involves the movement of large muscles for activities such as walking;
  • It plays a crucial role in maintaining balance;
  • It is responsible for non-verbal communications;
  • It supports the sense of smell, taste, and sound;
  • It regulates avoidance behavior;
  • It controls the immune system;
  • It is in charge of involuntary body functions like digestion, the beating of the heart, and breathing;
  • It is stimulated by new experiences;
  • It affects an individual’s ability to pay attention to details;
  • It helps to refine motor skills;
  • It converts sounds to language and translates the meanings.

The Right Hemisphere of the Brain

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. A right hemisphere dominant person excels in arts, creative, visual, and intuitive tasks. It is also called the analog brain.

The right side of the brain is responsible for the following:

  • Creativity;
  • Imagination;
  • Intuition;
  • Holistic thinking;
  • Arts;
  • Feelings and visualizations;
  • Non-verbal cues;
  • Rhythm;
  • Daydreaming;
  • Emotions.

Right hemisphere dominant people usually excel in the following roles:

  • Graphic designer;
  • Interior designer;
  • Musician;
  • Painter;
  • Psychology;
  • Counselor;
  • Manager.

Some Important Facts About Functions and Characteristics of the Right Side of the Brain

  • It enables young children to grasp and understand the concept of more versus less;
  • The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for some cognitive functions that include attention, processing of visual shapes and patterns, emotions, verbal ambiguity, and implied meaning;
  • Children under 3 years are predominantly governed by the right side of the brain.

The hemispheric difference among people

It is necessary to know that hemispheric dominance varies from person to person. The hemisphere of the brain used in every activity is not always the same for everyone. Some experts think that the activities of the brain may be influenced by an individual’s right or left-handedness.

Understanding which part of the brain is playing a dominant role in a person is essential for determining which learning style is more effective. Left hemisphere dominant people are visual learners, and right hemisphere dominant people are auditory learners.

Right brain hemisphere VS left brain hemisphere

The left brain hemisphere aids in rational thinking and logical skills such as mathematics and language. On the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain helps in carrying out creative activities such as arts, and emotionally connecting with others. An individual who is left brain dominant will be more logical, while someone with a dominant right brain will be more emotional.

Brain injury and its effects on the body

Brain injury, also known as a stroke, can cause significant impairment and affect the body. It is because the brain is involved in most of the vital processes of the body, and an injury or trauma to the organ can disturb the normal body processes.

Experts point out that the hemisphere of the brain damaged by the injury can determine what symptoms and problems the body could have.

Injury in the Left Hemisphere of the Brain

As the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, injuries to this side of the brain can result in weakness in the right side of the body.

Injury to the left hemisphere of the brain can lead to the following problems:

  • Difficulty in understanding both written and spoken words;
  • Difficulty in expressing both written and spoken words;
  • Lack of coordination or program motor movements for speaking, medically known as apraxia;
  • Slurred speech or change in the sound of the voice;
  • Difficulty dealing with numbers;
  • Inability to deal with complex issues.

Injury in the Right Hemisphere of the Brain

The right hemisphere is responsible for controlling the left side of the body. Injury to this side of the brain can lead to left-sided weakness in the body.

Injury to the right side of the brain can result in the following complications:

  • Problems in focusing or concentrating on specific tasks;
  • An inability of the left side of the body to function normally;
  • Difficulty in processing information on the left visual field;
  • Inability to recall previously learned information;
  • Difficulty in learning new information;
  • Failure to identify problems or come up with solutions;
  • Problems with social communication skills such as interpreting abstract language, understanding jokes, making interferences, and understanding non-verbal cues;
  • Difficulty in remembering important events like time, date, and place;
  • Problems with organization and recall such as sorting out information and planning.

The two lateral halves or parts of the brain, known as the left and the right hemisphere contain neurons or receptions that help with various body functions. Even though the functions of the brain are divided based on its hemispheres, any activity that takes place would still need the entire brain.

A detailed study of the right and left hemispheres of the brain can help to understand the significant role they play in our life. From performing functions to determining personality traits and thought processes, these two parts of the brain are responsible for controlling body strength, various parts of the body, and overall thinking in distinctive ways.

The human brain is used holistically. It means it works as a whole even though some personality types are more analytical than artistic. For many people, it is possible to be logical and creative at the same time and function remarkably.

Learning about the structure and functions of the brain can help you understand how it operates aids in body functions, and how to keep yourself in good mental and physical health. When it comes to your brain, any deviation from normal can lead to severe consequences. Visit an expert neurologist at the Century Medical and Dental Center to have your symptoms evaluated if you suspect any problem or have suffered a head injury. The trusted neurology specialists in NY guide you regarding the prevention as well as diagnosis and treatment of any brain injuries to help you live a better quality life with an active and optimally functioning brain.

SHARE THIS POST Page Updated on Dec 18, 2022 by Dr. Dvorkina (Primary Care Doctor) of Century Medical & Dental Center
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